Genetic test for celiac disease

Genetic test for celiac disease

Genetic test for predisposition to celiac disease Celiac disease is an autoimmune pathology towards Gliadina, gluten protein contained in cereals such as wheat, barley and rye: the cells of the immune system activated by exposure to gluten, attack the mucous membrane...
Test MST

Test MST

Test MST Sexually transmitted diseases (STD), also known as venereal diseases, are pathologies caused by bacteria and viruses that can affect both men and women. They constitute a vast group of infectious diseases, which can be the cause of acute symptoms, chronic...
Genetic testing for lactose intolerance

Genetic testing for lactose intolerance

Genetic testing for lactose intolerance The test analyzes the possible presence of polymorphisms (very frequent DNA variants without a pathogenetic effect) which are the cause of lactose intolerance. The genetic test is performed only once in life, through a simple...
Test HPV

Test HPV

Test HPV The human virus papilloma (HPV) has a primary role in the development of uterine cervix cancer, the second female tumor by world impact. There are several HPV genotypes, some at high risk and others at low risk. With this genetic test, 28 different HPV...
Choose your prevention pathway designed for Women

Choose your prevention pathway designed for Women

Choose your prevention path designed for women The health of the female genital system is of primary importance for the psychophysical well-being of every woman. Undergoing preventive visits regularly increases the possibility of managing early the possible evolution...